
Source code for torch.library

from ._ops import OpOverload
from typing import Set
import traceback
import torch

__all__ = ['Library', 'impl', 'define']

# Set containing the combination of (namespace, operator, DispatchKey) for which a new kernel has been registered
# The keys in the set are of the form `namespace + "/" + op_name + "/" + dispatch_key`.
# This set is maintained to ensure that two libraries don't try to override the exact same functionality to avoid
# libraries calling into kernels not intended to be called.
_impls: Set[str] = set()

[docs]class Library: """ A class to create libraries that can be used to register new operators or override operators in existing libraries from Python. A user can optionally pass in a dispatch keyname if they only want to register kernels corresponding to only one specific dispatch key. Args: ns: library name kind: "DEF", "IMPL" (default: "IMPL") dispatch_key: PyTorch dispatch key (default: "") """ def __init__(self, ns, kind, dispatch_key=""): if kind != "IMPL" and kind != "DEF": raise ValueError("Unsupported kind: ", kind) frame = traceback.extract_stack(limit=3)[0] filename, lineno = frame.filename, frame.lineno self.m = torch._C._dispatch_library(kind, ns, dispatch_key, filename, lineno) self.ns = ns self._op_impls = set() self.kind = kind self.dispatch_key = dispatch_key def __repr__(self): return "Library(kind={}, ns={}, dispatch_key={})>".format(self.kind, self.ns, self.dispatch_key) def impl(self, op_name, fn, dispatch_key=''): if dispatch_key == '': dispatch_key = self.dispatch_key if isinstance(op_name, str): name = op_name elif isinstance(op_name, OpOverload): name = overload_name = op_name._schema.overload_name if overload_name != '': name = name + '.' + overload_name else: raise RuntimeError("impl should be passed either a name or an OpOverload object as the first argument") key = self.ns + "/" + name.split("::")[-1] + "/" + dispatch_key if key in _impls: # TODO: in future, add more info about where the existing function is registered (this info is # today already returned by the C++ warning when impl is called but we error out before that) raise RuntimeError("This is not allowed since there's already a kernel registered from python overriding {}" "'s behavior for {} dispatch key and {} namespace.". format(name.split("::")[-1], dispatch_key, self.ns)) self.m.impl(name, dispatch_key, fn) _impls.add(key) self._op_impls.add(key)
[docs] def define(self, schema, alias_analysis=""): ''' Takes a schema to define a new operator. Also, optionally takes `alias_analysis` argument to indicate if the aliasing properties of the arguments can be inferred from the schema (default behavior) or not ("CONSERVATIVE"). Returns the name of the operator as inferred from the schema. ''' # This is added because we also want to disallow PURE_FUNCTION alias analysis which is a valid # AliasAnalysis type in C++ if alias_analysis not in ["", "FROM_SCHEMA", "CONSERVATIVE"]: raise RuntimeError("Invalid alias_analysis type") return self.m.define(schema, alias_analysis)
def __del__(self): for key in self._op_impls: _impls.remove(key) del self.m
# decorator to register python functions for library ops # Note: this decorator API should remain consistent with `Library.impl` API def impl(lib, name, dispatch_key=""): def wrap(f): lib.impl(name, f, dispatch_key) return wrap def define(lib, schema, alias_analysis=""): def wrap(f): name = lib.define(schema, alias_analysis) lib.impl(name, f) return wrap


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